17 Mar FITT Bluforce RJ for a drinking water pipeline in the charming village of Beuvron-en-Auge
In the picturesque village of Beuvron-en-Auge, on the Normandy Cider Route, FITT Bluforce RJ was the star of a low environmental impact intervention consisting of mini-trench laying works for the replacement of a drinking water pipeline.
Mini-trenching is a no-dig technology used for sites of very limited areas that brings advantages in terms of road system disruption, material handling and safety of citizens and workforce.
In the specific case, an excavation of only 50 cm was made in order to replace the obsolete pipeline with a new polymer alloy pipeline. The excavation housed 500 metres of FITT Bluforce RJ PN16 D90, the piping system boasting a Certificate of Sanitary Conformity (ACS) (according to the decree of 29 May 1997 and subsequent amendments, and the DGS / VS4 no. 99/217 of 12 April 1999 and DGS / VS4 no. 2000/232 of 27 April 2000 circulars of the Ministry of Health), and therefore suitable for contact with drinking water.
The ease of installation and the built-in tensile resistant jointing system allowed FITT Bluforce RJ to easily pass this test: the excavation activities, the laying of the drinking water network pipeline, the covering of the excavation and the restoration of the tarmac were carried out in just two days.
Low environmental impact, minimum work site size, quick completion of the laying works, limited impact on the road network, maximum safety of the works and sanitary compliance for the drinking water flow, were the winning tickets of FITT Bluforce RJ, the first PVC-A pipe with EPD environmental product declaration certified by SGS according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 standards.