01 Sep FITT Bluforce RJ for the Piana dell’Alento valley in the Cilento region
Also Consac, the integrated water utility for the Cilento and Diano Valley National Park, has completed its first project using FITT Bluforce RJ, the polymer alloy piping system with built-in tensile resistant jointing system.
The tender-based project initially called for PVC-A DN200 PN16 pipes without tensile resistant jointing system: as an improvement, the company awarded the contract – RDR of Torre del Greco (NA) -, recommended the increase of the nominal diameter from 200 to 250 mm and mechanical seals by means of the tensile resistant jointing system. In the end, approximately 800 metres of FITT Bluforce RJ DN250 PN16 were installed.
The activities entailed the improvement of the current drinking water network system, the capacity of which went from 30 l/s to 70 l/s, therefore improving the drinking water distribution service in the Piana dell’Alento valley and surrounding areas.
In specific, the new FITT Bluforce RJ pipeline, the first PVC-A system with EPD environmental product declaration certified by SGS following the ISO 14025 and EN 15804 standards, was used for distributing the additional capacity of the consortium network to the water purifying system.