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What can be the opportunities for bringing together the realities of manufacturers and those of the utilities of the integrated water system? What are the solutions to identify and provide concrete tools for designers through which they can evaluate products in accordance with sustainability specifications?
These are just some of the questions that were discussed last Friday 13 October at the meeting promoted by FITT and dedicated to the utilities of the integrated water system of the Veneto Region.
The meeting, called “The evaluation of environmental product certifications and low impact technologies in the design of water networks“, was organised in collaboration with Viveracqua and sponsored by IATT – Italian Association for Trenchless Technologies – with the participation of Anese Srl – a company with extensive experience in horizontal directional drilling technologies -, and the contribution of the University of Padua (Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering).
A wide range of topics were covered: from Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methods to Environmental Product Declaration (EPD); from the sustainability report of the works to the important topic of taxonomy; from the advantages, applications and regulatory context of trenchless technologies to low-impact PVC-A polymer alloy pipelines.
Numerous presentations were made by the participants, which gave rise to a lively discussion, full of ideas, anecdotes and suggestions, during a round table dedicated to in-depth discussions regarding the identification of processes and the use of innovative technologies capable of ensuring a reduced environmental impact in the construction of new infrastructures or the refurbishment of existing water networks.
FITT Bluforce Academy was conceived to share the technical and technological know-how of FITT with the players of the infrastructure network sector. The Academy is the set of seminars, courses and experiential activities that FITT offers to designers, technicians of utilities and reclamation consortia.
The training programs of the Academy are constantly updated, adapting to the real needs of the participants, creating a flexible and efficient dissemination model.
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