27 Jul New HDD application for FITT Bluforce RJ and Consorzio Acque del Delta Ferrarese
After the positive experience of replacing a deteriorated asbestos cement pipe in the municipalities of Tresigallo and Jolanda di Savoia, Consorzio Acque Delta Ferrarese SpA (C.A.D.F.) decided once again to use FITT Bluforce RJ polymer alloy pipes in conjunction with the Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) technology.
What does the project consist of?
The project entails the crossing of the Master Manifold using FITT Bluforce RJ DN160 PN16 pipes, for a total of 120 metres at a depth of more than 12 metres from ground level, in the proximity of the S. Zagno water drainage system in the Municipality of Ostellato (FE).
Since the bridge to which several underground utilities are secured will be demolished, C.A.D.F., in agreement with the Province of Ferrara and Consorzio di Bonifica Pianura di Ferrara, selected the Horizontal Directional Drillingtechnology and FITT Bluforce RJ PVC-A pipes. FITT Bluforce RJ is a thermoplastic pipe with integrated tensile resistant mechanical and hydraulic tightness system ideal for HDD applications.
Respect for the environment: a crucial factor
The ease of installation and assembly of FITT Bluforce RJ, the durability of PVC-A, the EPD environmental product declaration certified by SGS according to ISO 14025 Standard and EN 15804, have all contributed to the realisation of this environmentally friendly construction site.