23 Jul Alto Calore Servizi Spa uses PVC-A to replace steel piping
In 2005, Alto Calore Servizi Spa was the first integrated water management company in Campania to employ PVC-A polymer alloy piping to strengthen the aqueduct in Nusco (AV).

Almost fifteen years on, given the positive feedback and reliability demonstrated in the field, the company has chosen to use FITT Bluforce to replace existing steel piping on Gelice provincial road in the municipality of Grottaminarda (AV), as an improvement compared to the planned PE100 RC in the initial project, solving a series of weaknesses.
The works were carried out on a road and required a reduction in site space to minimise interference with daily traffic. As a result, the excavation dimensions were reduced to the minimum possible (1.2 m in height and only 0.35 m wide) and the laying works were organised for single tracks, with a rapid succession of the following steps: opening of the trenches, laying of the pipes and closing the trenches. The laying time, taking into account the time required for trenching and subsequent recovery, was about 50 ml/day.
The use of FITT Bluforce DN110 PN16, compared to the project design, allowed for a faster work time thanks to the hot pre-inserted seal system, which was tested and certified by a Third-Party certified manufacturer.
In addition, the PVC-A piping has provided adequate crush resistance, in the presence of heavy loads and reduced excavation depth, and an increased hydraulic section compared to design solution.