31 May ASIS chooses FITT Bluforce – The installation works for the district of Battipaglia (SA) have begun
ASIS Spa, in collaboration with CO.GE.A. Impresit srl, part of the temporary group of companies that won the integrated tender, has recently started the first network replacement works as part of the project for the “Digitalisation and Districtualisation of the Water Networks of Battipaglia, Bellizzi, Eboli and Pontecagnano Faiano“.
A PNRR-funded project
The project is funded taking advantage of the European resources of the React EU programme, provided by the Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion and managed by Mims (Ministry for Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility) as part of the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan – PNRR – (PON Infrastrutture e Reti 2014-2021 – National Operating Programme for Infrastructures and Networks 2014-2021 – European funds). Reducing water leaks in distribution networks is one of the main challenges facing the South and is the main objective of the PNRR reforms.
For the rehabilitation of the water networks in Battipaglia, Bellizzi, Eboli and Pontecagnano Faiano, FITT Bluforce proved for ASIS Spa to be the ideal choice in order to meet the objective of improving the quality and management of the service, also through the use of innovative materials and technologies capable of responding to the European principles and guidelines of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development and the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan.
From the first test sites to the most important PVC-A waterworks with FITT Bluforce pipes
Already a guest in 2018 at one of the training and awareness events – FITT Experience – that FITT organises for its customers to allow them the opportunity to access the production and testing areas of the FITT Bluforce system, ASIS Spa, the utility in charge of the Integrated Water System of the province of Salerno, subsequently started using PVC-A polymer alloy pipes in small test sites for the replacement of old and damaged steel networks.
The current project – for which PVC-A was selected as a better technical solution when compared with the material contemplated in the tender (PE100) -, will entail the supply of around 16,000 linear metres of FITT Bluforce in diameters ranging from 125 to 315. It represents to date the largest waterworks project using FITT Bluforce polymer alloy pipe.
PVC-A, an improved proposal in terms of quality, technology and environmental impact
The decision of the winning temporary group of companies to use FITT Bluforce pipes was recognised by the examination board as an improved proposal in terms of quality of materials and technologies, thanks to its sustainability, reliability and durability characteristics.
FITT Bluforce PVC-A polymer alloy pipes come with EPD® environmental certification in accordance with UNI EN ISO 14025. The certification is issued by an accredited third-party certification body following the provisions of the National Action Plan on Green Public Procurement (NAP GPP).
The type III environmental product declaration (EPD) is based on LCA analysis and follows specific protocols called PCR (Product Category Rules), which provide rules and requirements discussed and shared among the various stakeholders, to make sure that data relating to a given product category are comparable to each other.
We are talking about an extremely effective Green Public Procurement (GPP) operational tool, as it allows the environmental performance of products to be known and compared and helps to highlight details that can be very important for a contracting authority when setting environmental criteria.
Over the past few days, FITT has welcomed at its production facilities a number of ASIS technical representatives, to engage in important discussions on FITT’s sustainability strategy and witness inspections and tests on FITT Bluforce pipes, to demonstrate their capability to meet the characteristics of the first batch of material supplied to the company CO.GE.A. Impresit.
According to the terms of the application for funding, the works are scheduled to be completed by the end of 2023.