06 Aug FITT Bluforce RJ: the piping system laid using HDD technology to overcome a very narrow bend and reduce the site area
It only took one single July morning to complete the laying of 100 metres of FITT Bluforce RJ DN90 PN16 pipeline using HDD technology.
Despite the short stretch, the installation process faced two major critical issues: the need for a very narrow bend and the high level of transit in the area of the site, crossed by many heavy vehicles.
The first was resolved by taking advantage of the extreme flexibility of PVC-A, the material used for the production of the pipe, while the second thanks to the FITT Bluforce RJ hot formed tensile resistant socket-based jointing system, which makes it ideal for HDD applications that do not require open air excavation.
The FITT Bluforce RJ 6 metre sections, light and easy to handle, were assembled individually while positioning them: this avoided the creation of bulky pipe lengths and made it possible to limit the site, without negative impact on the intense traffic flow of the area.
Drilling Solutions of Corridonia, the company in charge of the works, used a Vermeer D 40×55 RIG and laid the entire pipeline in less than 4 hours from the placement of the machine: in just sixty minutes the FITT Bluforce RJ pipeline was assembled and positioned at an average height of 2 meters below ground level, to bypass any existing sub-services.
FITT Bluforce RJ, the first EPD certified PVC-A pipe in Europe, lightweight and easy to install, can be assembled manually and safely, and is ideal for trenchless applications such as Horizontal Directional Drilling.