23 May FITT looks forward to welcoming you at IFAT
IFAT, the international event dedicated to environmental technologies, is just around the corner.
From 30 May to 3 June, leading representatives in the development of solutions for water, wastewater, recycling and secondary raw materials management will gather in Munich to introduce all their innovations.
FITT could not fail to attend this international showcase with its own FITT Bluforce system, the first PVC-A product platform with EPD environmental product declaration, certified by SGS according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 standards.
FITT Bluforce and FITT Bluforce RJ are pipes used for transporting pressurised fluids in drinking and non-drinking water networks. They are made of PVC-A, where ‘A’ stands for ‘alloy’. PVC-A combines the strength of PVC-U and the ductility of polyethylene, resulting in a product that offers extreme ductility, shock and crack propagation resistance, and easy handling.
To the innovation of PVC-A, FITT Bluforce RJ, where “RJ” stands for ‘restraint joint’, adds an integrated and fixed mechanical seal system that makes it ideal for threnchless technology applications.
The new tensile resistant bend completes FITT’s offer: a solution that avoids the need for thrust blocks, simplifies the calculations of designers, guarantees fast and safe installation, and limits the environmental and social impact of the construction site.
FITT awaits for you in Hall B2 Stand 547.