11 Dec Official début for FITT Bluforce RJ in France
FITT’s PVC-A pipes – the first in Europe with EPD environmental product declaration, certified by SGS according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 standards – were used to increase the water flow and secure the fire safety network in one of the districts of Bayeux.
As the construction site needed to go through a heavy traffic intersection, CISE TP, the company in charge of the design and completion of the works, selected the trenchless laying technology, and therefore relied on FITT Bluforce RJ, the drinking water network pipe with integrated tensile resistant joint, ideal for trenchless applications.
The choice of FITT Bluforce was dictated by two factors: the speed of installation, thanks to the lightness of the pipes and the possibility of assembling the sections individually while laying them in their final position, and the low environmental impact of the trenchless site, which did not impact on the road system.
After passing the commissioning pressure tests, the 66 meters of FITT Bluforce RJ DN160 PN16 FITT pipes were successfully connected to the existing water network.
An excellent French début for FITT Bluforce RJ, also thanks to the collaboration with Penet, advocate for the FITT Group’s innovation in materials and applications.