27 Nov Consorzio Acque del Delta Ferrarese SpA (C.A.D.F.) relies on a perfect combination: FITT Bluforce RJ and HDD
Consorzio Acque del Delta Ferrarese SpA, the water utility that manages the integrated water cycle of 13 municipalities in the province of Ferrara, carried out an internal project for the replacement of a cement-asbestos pipeline in poor condition with a 160 mm diameter PVC pipeline. The project, part of the plan for the renovation of the water network infrastructure, involves the installation of a new water adduction system serving the municipalities of Tresigallo and Jolanda di Savoia, as well as other important surrounding agricultural settlements, for a total length of 950 m.
In view of the type of terrain and the need to intersect in several points provincial road S.P. 28, subjected to high levels of heavy vehicle traffic, C.A.D.F. Spa chose the Horizontal Directional Drilling solution: a low environmental impact laying technology that does not create any sort of inconvenience to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In conjunction with the HDD technology, the company selected FITT Bluforce RJ, the PVC-A drinking water network pipe with integrated tensile resistant joint, ideal for horizontal drilling applications.
The company Spunton Impianti srl of Porto Viro (RO) was awarded the supply and laying contract from the body, and the 8 ton pulling power drilling and laying operations started at the end of October.
The extreme ease of assembly thanks to the tensile resistant joint that guarantees very high tensile strength values, the ability to move the pipes without using machinery and the possibility of joining the 6-meter lengths of FITT Bluforce RJ pipes during the actual laying activities, all contributed to speedy site works, without causing any disruption whatsoever to the traffic of the S.P. 28 provincial road.
A construction site with low environmental impact for Consorzio Acque del Delta Ferrarese, supported by the choice of FITT Bluforce RJ, the first PVC-A drinking water network piping system in Europe with EPD Environmental Product Declaration certified by SGS according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 standards.